Monday, October 28, 2013

Thor’s Hammer

is the jack-o-lantern my DSIL carved for my DGS this year. He does a wonderful job!

Thor's Hammer.

All products are Katie Pertiet at Designer Digitals!  Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 26, 2013

A Super Hero Birthday

Bobby celebrated his seventh birthday with a Super Hero Theme. His dad made his cake as a large 7 then added the super hero emblems. A Super Hero Birthday

A Super Hero Birthday left

A Super Hero Birthday rt

Inspired by a sketch by Debbie Sanders. Thanks for looking!

Saturday, October 19, 2013

The Way It Was

90 acres-web

 90 acres-Left90 acres-right-
Journaling reads:
In 1964 Bob purchased 90 acres of property in Lewisville. 
The propery had several old buildings still on it. An old log house, a shed and
a barn.  All were built between 1850 and 1900. They were built down in a
valley , dismantled and each piece numbered and brought up to the
top of the hills and rebuilt . If you look inside the barn you can see the
original large logs that were used for the foundation and supporting
structures. Bob kept the structures as long as he could. The barn
eventually feel down and had to be removed. He sold the property
recently and the new owner took down the log house.
Thanks for looking!

Thursday, October 17, 2013

An Old Log House

This log house was on the property when Bob bought his property in 1964. So rustic, and small animals had taken up residence there!

Old Log House

Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Looks Like Broccoli!

While on our way to PA to visit relatives this summer I mentioned how many trees were on the mountain sides and Bobby replied “Looks like Broccoli!”  I thought about that comparison and he is right! Looks like Broccoli-web

I recolored most of the elements on the lower half of this layout, using different tools in PSE. Thanks for looking!

Friday, October 11, 2013


This is old barn off the side of the road in PA. I just am drawn to old barns.  I guess it is the weathered look of them and their characteristics as they age.


Thanks for looking!

Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Catch of the Day

Maggie caught four fish when we went fishing! Here’s just one of them!

Catch of the Day-web

Thanks for looking! All products are from Designer Digitals.

Saturday, October 5, 2013

Be You

A collage of different expressions I caught on Bobby’s face! Love that sweet face!

Be You-web

I used a hexagon shape from the graphics products in PSE11. I then made an outline of the hexagon and deleted the original shape.  I duplicated  it four times more and filled the hexagon shape with color to make them into clipping masks.   I clipped my photos to the masks, and then made a white outline stroke around each one and  moved them close together.  All products from Designer Digitals.

Thursday, October 3, 2013

So Very Thankful

Finally getting last week’s lesson for the class I am taking with Maggie.

So Very Thankful-web

Maggie is thankful for her dog, her family, her paints, and whoever made sweets! My journaling to her says:

I am thankful for your creative spirit. You have always loved coloring drawing, finger painting...anything where you could create a picture. I have many pictures of your chalk art. You even left me a message on the driveway that you had stopped while I was away.

I am thankful for your imaginative spirit also.  You can be a princess one minute and a super hero the next.  You always make little objects  into whatever you want them to be. You always love  it when I make up a story for you at bedtime when you spend the night.

I am thankful for you. You are my first grandchild, and I waited a long time for you to arrive. I am thankful for your pretty smile,
your unconditional love, the way you always run to meet me, even though you saw me the day before. I am thankful for getting to cook
and bake. with you. You truly are a gift.

Thanks for looking

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

One Fine Day

What do you do when you have outdoor activities and the weather is absolutely perfect? You know warm, sunny and a cool breeze. You scrap a picture of it!!!!

One fine Day-web
Hope you have a perfect day! Thanks for looking!


Waiting for a fish to bite takes a lot of patience!  Patience-web2

Thanks for looking!